EMT Basic Training
EMT basic training is the first of the three levels of EMT. To be considered for EMT basic, most programs require either a high school diploma or, in the abscence of that, a GED. The emergency medical technician basic course stresses emergency response. This includes such topis as assessing the patient and being able to identify various cardiac, circulatory, and respiratory issues. Besides extensive classroom time, the basic training usually also includes time in emergency departments and ambulance ride alongs to provide the candidate with extensive real world experience.
Other topics of instruction include proper response to calamities such as heart attacks, drug overdoses, asthma attacks, choking, stroke or cerebrovascular attacks, bleeding, fractures, and childbirth. Trainees also must master the so called tools of the trade which include stretchers, backboards, stethoscopes, respirator/oxygen devices, and other items.
Once the basic course is completed, EMTs must complete a written exam as well as a hands-on demonstration of their training. These tests are given by either the state in which the EMT wishes to work or the NREMT. Sample written tests are available at the NREMT website, at http://nremt.org.